
Dubai first impressions

The first Skyline from Dubai that we saw looked just awesome. I took that one picture out of the back window from the bus. The sunset always looks beautiful in Dubai when the Skyline seems to hide the sun between its enormous buildings.

We had some trouble getting to our hotel, because a river was seperating us from there. Luckily there are little boats crossing the river at certain points. So we took one for 2 Dirham (45 Cents) each and walked the remaining few hundred meters along the river.

The shopowners always try to convince you of eating at their place or buying their stuff. There’s the Gold Souq right behind our hotel and we checked it out the first day. I’m not lying when I tell you, that 50 different people spoke to me, offering „high quality“ watches, chains, sunglasses, smartphones, necklaces, rings and later on perfumes, spices and clothes. Sometimes they just grab your hand and drag you into their shop. I guess I have to get used to it.

At the right places you can still eat for little money. The boat, which I mentioned before, to cross the river cost us the next day only 1 Dirham. Can’t complain about that price.

Dubai has a Metro. Works kind of good if you know how. The best thing about it is, once you bought your ticket you can enter and exit a train or bus very easy. What I don’t like about it, is that it’s always full. And I mean always. I never had a place to sit and you often have the situation, that you have to push yourself in. Not a comfortable way of getting around. And with the bus you have a whole other problem. The information guys don’t even know their own city. Sending you from one station to another and you as the tourist have to trust them. Then it turns out that there is no bus departuring from where you are. You get angry and take the next Taxi that passes by… So much for my thought of „cheap travelling“.

The weather is still nice.

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